My advice focuses on your special requirements.

I respond immediately on your questions and offer individual support.


This includes training and practical workshops on your site.

Aqueous cleaning processes for high-purity surfaces

Solvent based cleaning for high-purity surfaces

Tests on site

Improvement of existing processes.

Workshops for the creation of new cleaning processes.

Support for cleaning tests.

In collaboration with a competent partner.
I have already developed and tested several new solvent mixtures for removing special paints and oils from sensitive surfaces.

Since 2017 I have been carrying out projects at customers and plant manufacturers on site, Germany, Spain, Italy, UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and at several locations in the USA.

Compilation of individual chemicals and recipes

Training courses on cleaning, materials and ultrapure water

Creation of individual procedural instructions & process support

I also develop your individual cleaner. Through my network, I help you find a suitable contract mixer.

I regularly give one-day seminars on cleaning, ultrapure water and materials.

Generally, I make workshops with all customers at the end of the improvements and related topics.

After each visit, you get a protocol with recommendations for action.
On request, I also look after your process in the further course.

Creation of safety data sheets
acc. to (EG) Nr. 1907/2006


Consulting in Europe and worldwide

I have been creating EC safety data sheets in German and English for over 20 years (including special features for the USA).

I have already registered numerous products for Germany (BfR). The Europe-wide communication through the ECHA portal can now also be carried out by me.

Industrial products must be registered in 2024 (BfR).

Since 2017 I have carried out projects in Germany, Spain, Italy, UK, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and at various locations in the USA.

20 years of experience in many industries

Quality assessment
eyeglass with residues before cleaning

reduced consumption
calibrated dosing system

Optics, eyeglasses, glass-ceramics, stainless-steel (medical technology), aluminum (also anodized), non-ferrous metal, hardmetal, chrome layers, plastics, electronics and others.

Kontrolle Brillenglas

Prominent 200

Individual formulated cleaners

Ultrasonic cleaning at different frequencies

Production optimization
through permanent cleanliness of all parts


Ultrasonic cleaning at 40 kHz

Ultrasonic cleaning at 20 kHz